Most useful websites and apps for programmes and travel in Hungary
The OFFICIAL public transport site for timetables, changes, ticket prices, information (outside Budapest): https://menetrendek.hu/mobile/?lng=en:
For getting the HUNGARY PASS (for students it is ~1900 Ft, you need to have a plastic student card for validating) and BUYING TICKETS you need to download „MÁV” app, or Budapest GO app (you can find it in App Store and Google Pay as well)
Unfortunately no detailed information is available in English about the country pass. You can find all the important information in Hungarian, which you can translate into English, at the links below:
Purchasing the pass in the app: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/mav-start/belfoldi-utazas/mav-applikacio-mindent-tudo-vasuti-utazastervezo
FAQ: https://www.ujtarifa.hu/en
Travelling to Balaton at summer with the pass: https://www.orszagberlet.hu/balaton
Tips and tricks:
- In Hungary, you can also buy a ticket on board for long-distance buses without buying it in advance. However, only cash payment is possible on the bus.
- In Hungary (even in the smallest villages) you can find a timetable at every bus stop indicating when buses are operating
- You need to buy tickets for trains in advance, which you can do at ticket offices, ticket machines or in the MÁV app.
- If you want to travel somewhere by a shared car, Blablacar is available in Hungary: https://www.blablacar.hu/

Sites about places and programmes in English:
Programs and places in Hungary: https://visithungary.com/
Current events, news and programmes in Budapest: https://welovebudapest.com/en
Regions, cities, what to see and how to get there: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Hungary
Green areas and hiking places and routes: https://www.outdooractive.com/en/travel-guide/hungary/dunazug-hegyvidek/23359989/; https://www.outdooractive.com/en/hikes/budai-hegyseg/hiking-trails-in-budai-hegyek/23604349/
National parks in Hungary: https://visithungary.com/articles/hungary%E2%80%99s-national-parks
Facebook site of ELTE International: https://www.facebook.com/elteinternational
Tips and tricks:
- Facebook is the main platform used in Hungary to advertise events, whatever they are. Whether you are looking for an event in Budapest or in another place, it is worth browsing Facebook events.

Recommendations in Budapest
Nostalgia Tram: https://dailynewshungary.com/explore-budapest-on-the-nostalgia-routes/
Affordable thermal bath: https://en.lukacsfurdo.hu/
Night of Museums: https://muzej.hu/en/2023
Free museum visiting (changes from museum to museum, check the website of the specific museum for up-to-date information) : https://dailynewshungary.com/the-museums-can-be-visited-for-free-at-certain-days-in-budapest/
Zugliget Chairlift: https://bkk.hu/en/travel-information/public-transport/chairlift/
Cinemas with english screenings:
Bem Mozi (also a pub): https://cooltix.hu/b/bemmozi
Art Cinemas in Budapest: https://artmozi.hu/

Green areas and parks in Budapest:
Városliget (City Park) – there are a lot of programs and events in Városliget: https://ligetbudapest.hu/en
Margit-sziget (Margaret Island): https://www.thecrowdedplanet.com/margaret-island-budapest/
Óbudai-sziget: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/obudai-island-hajogyari-island
Gellért Hill: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/gellert-hill
Philosopher’s Garden: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/philosophers-garden
Európa Park: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/europa-park
Tabán: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/taban-1
Városmajor: https://welovebudapest.com/hely/varosmajor
Tomb of Gül Baba: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/tomb-of-gul-baba
Orczy Park: https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/orczy-park-1
Buda Arboretum (free entry): https://www.outdooractive.com/en/poi/dunazug-hegyvidek/the-arboretum-of-buda/33864652/
Outdoor recommendations:
Guided tour in Pál-völgyi Cave: https://www.dunaipoly.hu/en/places/interpretation-sites/pal-volgyi-cave
About other natural places and programmes around Budapest in English: https://www.dunaipoly.hu/en/

Places with nice view around Budapest:
Árpád Lookout tower: https://welovebudapest.com/hely/arpad-kilato
Elisabeth Lookout tower (János-hegy): https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/janos-hill-elizabeth-lookout-tower
Glucker Károly Lookout tower (Hármashatár Hill): https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/harmashatar-hill
Kaán Károly Lookout tower (Nagy Hárshegy): https://welovebudapest.com/en/venue/nagy-hars-hill
Makovecz Lookout tower (Kis Hárshegy): https://welovebudapest.com/en/article/2016/9/27/go-beyond-in-budapest-the-hars-hill-forest
Other opportunities:
Volunteering for festivals ( for free ticket): https://online.fesztivalonkentes.hu/en/

Recommendations in places up to ~1 hour from Budapest
Alcsúti Arboretum: https://alcsuti-arboretum.hu/
Vácrátót Arboretum (National Botanic Garden): https://botanikuskert.hu/
Nagymaros: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Nagymaros
Szentendre: https://welovebudapest.com/en/toplist/we-love-budapest-s-visitor-guide-to-szentendre
Zebegény: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebeg%C3%A9ny
Visegrád: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Visegr%C3%A1d
Vác: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/V%C3%A1c

Balaton area
Current events, news and programmes in Balaton area: https://welovebalaton.hu/en
Balaton Uplands National Park (events, programmes, places) : https://bfnp.hu/en
About Balaton: https://visithungary.com/category/balaton
Most important places and regions: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Lake_Balaton