The individual Psychological counselling service of the Student Support Centre of ELTE Faculty of informatics is available and free of charge.
Contact us, if you…
… don’t feel good in your own skin for a while
… keep postponing when you start learning
… have problem with your relationships
… feel nobody understands you
… feel like you can’t relate to others
… want to feel strong about your university studies
… want to plan you future in a more conscious way
… want to overcome your bad habits
You can get professional help from a psychologist regarding issues in your personal life or relationships, academic difficulties, carreer indecisions, motivational issues or if you need some help in managing transitions or challenging life situations.
The consultations are 45-50 minutes long and take place in a face-to-face format in the dedicated rooms of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics South Building.
You can contact us via the studentconsult@inf.elte.hu email address or by filling out an application sheet on our website.
If you feel that you or your loved one, friend, or acquaintance needs immediate assistance, support is available 24/7 through the following online platforms or phone numbers. The following phone numbers can be called for free from any network. If the line is temporarily busy, please try again!
Telephone or online help
- Emergency services: 112
- Ambulance – 104
- Firefighters – 105
- Police – 107
- Helplines: You may call the Hungarian helplines by dialing 116-123 (LESZ) or 116-111 (Kék Vonal) (if you are under the age of 24), but English speaking counselors are not guaranteed. For immediate help, you may contact a helpline of your own country online. You can find a list of helplines of the world on the following websites:
- https://findahelpline.com/
- https://childhelplineinternational.org/helplines/