Here you can find a video recording of the Project Forum organised by the Student Support Centre of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics on 8 November 2024, as well as a description of the details of each project. The description also includes projects that were not represented at the Forum but students are welcome to join.
The three winners of the Forum prize draw will be notified by email.
Projects that were represented in person at the Forum and are therefore included in the video:
1. Content Delivery Network Optimization (CDNO)
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The primary goal of the Content Delivery Network Optimisation (CDNO) project is to develop novel system optimisation approaches (energy efficiency, bandwidth optimisation and similar) based on large-scale monitoring data analysis. We use open source technologies like Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Docker and others to collect, analyse and visualise the data. Programming is mainly done in Python. Additionally, we are also looking for students interested in working with Raspberry PIs which we use to build a demonstration testbed (aka “The Rig”).
Used technologies: Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Docker, Docker Swarm, Linux, Raspberry PI
Who are we searching for?: Students interested in large-scale monitoring data analysis or who like tinkering with micro computers (Raspberry PIs).
How much time a student needs to contribute: 1-2 days per week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Imre Lendak: lendak at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 2:05.
2. AI model for image search
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: AI model for image search
Used technologies: python, image analysis, artificial intelligence
Who are we searching for?: BSc or MSc students with Python (or other relevant) programming skills and interest in image analysis/search
How much time a student needs to contribute: min. 3 months of collaboration via lab
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Imre Lendak: lendak at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 11:08
3. 3D Digital Twin & Human & Applications
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies:
András Lőrincz http://nipg.inf.elte.hu/#group-page
Developing and controlling 3D Digital Twin: Facility management and anomaly detection
Used technologies:
Neural Radiance Field, Gaussian Splatting ==> Deep learning, machine vision
Robot communication, multi-agent systems (for Szombathely)
Large Language Models for automated reporting
Who are we searching for?: Excellent programmers who can pick up and connect software tools and thus learning deep network technology through experiences. High-level mathematical background is an excellent plus.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 20-25 hours per week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : András Lőrincz: lorincz at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 20:15
4. The physical rehabilitation – application
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Components of the project serve human-environment interaction with diverse application capabilities for developing model of the environment, helping navigation using the model, dialogue for positioning and moving objects, and human motion comparisons using avatar models. This is an application oriented project with the goal to finish the smart phone application and to include the components in other ones. Technologies include deep neural networks, front-end and back-end tasks.
Contact : András Lőrincz: lorincz at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 28:14
5. Composite AI approach, Episodic segmentation – Segmentation in space and time
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The project aims to help diagnostic evaluations in relatively short scenarios of human interactions. We use and combine several technology elements. The combination is based on the present state of AI: expert systems are precise but limited, whereas deep learning methods are imprecise but general. We combine them as follows: deep learning tools are uncertain sensors being combined by precise probabilities, sometimes rules. In case if interested in such studies, the first step will be to take a look to the diverse AI technologies and then to find a research, development, and/or innovation subject according to your interest and capabilities.
Contact : András Lőrincz: lorincz at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 35:32
6. Developing non-verbal and social understanding in virtual agents
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: This project aims to develop methods and models for increasing the abilities of virtual agents to engage in non-verbal interaction and be more socially component partners in human-machine collaboration.
Used technologies: Large Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, 3D Game Engines (e.g. Unity)
Who are we searching for?: Students with skill in programming, interest in language evolution and social human-machine interaction
How much time a student needs to contribute: 20 hours/week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Kristian Fenech: fenech at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 44:55
7. EKC-ELTE Robot Lab, ViroFighter
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: ViroFighter disinfection robot, theses for students
Used technologies: ROS, slam, 3D camera, sensors
Who are we searching for?: Enthusiastic, interested students
How much time a student needs to contribute: Not specified yet.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact :
In the video the presentation starts at 52:02
8. CodeCompass
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: CodeCompass is one of the projects we work on in the Static Analysis Laboratory. CodeCompass is an open source, code comprehension tool developed by Ericsson Ltd. and the ELTE FI to help understanding large legacy software systems. Its web user interface provides rich textual search and navigation functionalities and also a wide range of rule-based visualization features. To provide these features, static analysis of the source code is used, but further information is also gathered, e.g. analysing the build system and the version control history of the project.
Used technologies: Static analysis, C/C++, C#, Java, Python, Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript languages. Strong programming skills are required. Compiler knowledge a is advantage.
Who are we searching for?: BSc and MSc students. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development. For BSc students it is required that they have completed the Software Technology course in their training. and has good knowledge in one or more technologies we use.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 5-10 hours / week. (For MSc students taking the Software Technology Lab course for credits, it is min 8 hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Zoltán Porkoláb: gsd at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:02:56
9. CodeChecker
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: CodeChecker is one of the projects we work on in the Static Analysis Laboratory, aiming to find security vulnerabilities in C/C++ code by using static analysis. By joining the project, your task will be to implement (one or more) detectors to locate such issues in C/C++ source code automatically. Your contributions will be made to the open-source Clang Tidy or Clang Static Analyzer tools. CodeChecker itself is an infrastructure which drives static analyzer tools, manages their reports, visualize them on a web interface and aids the CI integration.
Used technologies: Python, TypeScript, Vue, C/C++, Java
Who are we searching for?: BSc and MSc students. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development. For BSc students it is required that they have completed the Software Technology course in their training.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 4-8 hours / week. (For MSc students taking the Software Technology Lab course for credits, it is 8 hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at inf.elte.hu, Zoltán Porkoláb: gsd at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:10:18
10. Task Management System (TMS)
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The aim of the project is the development of the Task Management System (TMS), an open source web-based assignment and examination management system for universities, primarily focused on programming and computer science related courses. The main features of the application are the integrated evaluation, automatized testing, static analysis, version control and plagiarism check of the student submissions. TMS also integrates with the Canvas LMS.
Used technologies:
Backend: REST, MVC, ORM, PHP, Yii, Docker
Frontend: TypeScript, React
Who are we searching for?: Students who already completed the Software Technology course in their BSc training and have knowledge, experience (or at least interest) in web technologies and the mentioned programming languages.
MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development.
How much time a student needs to contribute: Min. 4 hours / week. (For MSc students completing the Software Technology Lab course min 8. hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:17:06
11. Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The Geoinformatics Laboratory is a research and software development lab at the Faculty of Informatics, hosting multiple geospatial and remote sensing projects. Current topics in the laboratory are ranging from multispectral aerial and satellite imagery processing, through object recognition, change detection and segmentation of 3D LiDAR point clouds to LiDAR – raster camera calibration algorithms development.
Used technologies:
Satellite imagery, ortophotos, digital elevation models, LiDAR, point clouds
Libraries: PCL, PDAL, GDAL, OpenCV, etc.
Who are we searching for?: MSc or PhD students with programming competence mainly in C++ and/or C#. Specialized knowledge on remote sensing technologies and algorithms are not mandatory beforehand, but completing the relevant courses in the MSc programme is a benefit. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 8-10 hours / week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at inf.elte.hu, Tekla Tóth: teklatoth at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:21:56
12. Quantum @ ELTE IK
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Development of quantum computing related software assets
Used technologies: Python, Node.js, C++
Who are we searching for?: Software developers interested in quantum computing
How much time a student needs to contribute: 10-20 hours per week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Zoltán Kolarovszki: kolarovszki at inf.elte.hu, Ágoston Kaposi: kaposiagoston at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:30:20
13. RefactorErl @ ELTE IK
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Static program analysis is a well-known technique in computer-aided software development when we can help check certain properties of the software without running the applications and wasting a developer’s time. With the techniques of static and dynamic analyses, we can check the security/complexity/quality of the software, the optimal usage of resources, and energy consumption, or able to improve our development and maintenance processes. In our research project, we are focusing on the Erlang programming language. Erlang is a functional programming language for implementing highly concurrent and distributed applications. Cisco ships over 2 million devices annually, and Erlang is on board. Thus, 90% of the internet traffic goes through devices controlled by Erlang applications.
Useful links:
Who are we searching for?: We are searching for BSc, MSc, and PhD students who are willing to learn new technologies and tools and want to work on interesting R&D tasks.
How much time a student needs to contribute: Four hours/week is a minimum in a Lab like RefactorErl, but if you want to achieve a good result, you should find a bit more time for the project.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Melinda Tóth: toth_m at inf.elte.hu, István Bozó: bozo_i at inf.elte.hu
In the video the presentation starts at 1:35:49
Projects not represented in person at the Forum and therefore not included in the video:
14. Modeling lab
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies:
Abstract: In the Modeling Lab, students can join application-oriented research projects in which the theoretical research problems are inspired by direct practical applications. This often leads to complex research of an interdisciplinary nature, which requires not only IT and mathematical knowledge, but also application-specific knowledge and cooperation with specialists in different fields. That is why several university lecturers participate in the work of the lab, who coordinate and help the students’ work in various research areas, such as:
– Biomedical signal processing: heartbeat classification in ECG signals, epileptic seizure detection in EEGs
– Digital signal processing: tire sensor signal classification, processing signals in telecommunication,
– Thomographic imaging: nondestructive testing by thermal imaging, artifact reduction in CT images
– Developing model-driven machine learning algorithms
– Computer graphics: computational geometry, geometric modeling, efficient GPU implementations
Used technologies: Python, Pytorch, Matlab, C++, HLSL, and Nvidia Falcor
Who are we searching for?: 3rd year BSc and MSc students interested in Mathematical Modeling, Signal and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics are welcome.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 10 hours / week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes
Contact : Dr. Péter Kovács: kovika at inf.elte.hu