Az alábbiakban találjátok az ELTE Informatikai Kar Diáktámogató Központja által 2023. november 10-ére szervezett Projekt Fórum videófelvételét, valamint az egyes projektek adatainak leírását. A leírásban szerepelnek olyan projektek is, amelyek nem képviseltették magukat a Fórumon, de várják a hallgatók jelentkezését.

Projektek, melyek a Fórumon személyesen képviseltettek, így a videófelvételen szerepelnek:

1. Content Delivery Network Optimization (CDNO)
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The Content Delivery Network Optimization (CDNO) project is implemented in cooperation with T-Labs and Deutsche Telekom (DT). The goal is to develop novel infrastructure monitoring and optimization solutions for DT’s novel CDN based on open-source technologies.
Used technologies: InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, anomaly detection, change detection
Who are we searching for?: Students interested to do labs, internships and theses with our team.
How much time a student needs to contribute: It depends on the students’ needs and current study progress. Minimum is usually 6 weeks.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Imre Lendak: lendak at

2. PORTFOLIO Erasmus+ project
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: PORTFOLIO Erasmus+ project: Exploring inter-connected education through a distributed
and blended European Entrepreneurship Minor. Opportunities to choose advanced elective entrepreneurship courses and a summer school.
Who are we searching for?: students from each specialization and level of education, also from other faculties
How much time a student needs to contribute:
– in the case of elective courses, weekly 1-2 hours
– in the case of the summer school, 1 week in Budapest
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Barbara Hegyi Dr.: bhegyi at

3. Simulation of Quantum Computers
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: training of quantum circuits, variational quantum algorithms, quantum program compilation. Used technologies: low level, highly optimized C/C++ programming with python binding. FPGA and AI chip programming
Who are we searching for?: Student with affinity towards low level programming.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 2days per week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Peter Rakyta, peter.rakyta at

4. Static/dynamic source code analysis and transformations for Erlang — RefactorErl
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Static program analysis is a well-known technique in computer-aided software development when we can help to check certain properties of the software without running the applications and wasting the time of a developer. With the techniques of static and dynamic analyses, we can check the quality/security of the software, the optimal usage of resources, and energy consumption, or able to improve our development and maintenance processes. In our research project, we are focusing on the Erlang programming language. Erlang is a functional programming language for implementing highly concurrent and distributed applications. Just Cisco ships more than 2 million devices annually with Erlang on board. Thus 90% of the internet traffic goes through devices controlled by Erlang applications.
Who are we searching for?: BSc, MSc, and PhD students who are willing to learn new technologies and tools and want to work on interesting R&D tasks.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 4 hours/week is a minimum in a Lab like RefactorErl, but if you want to achieve nice result, you should find a bit more time for the project.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Melinda Tóth: toth_m at, István Bozó: bozo_i at

5. CodeCompass
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: CodeCompass is one of the projects we work on in the Static Analysis Laboratory. CodeCompass is an open source, code comprehension tool developed by Ericsson Ltd. and the ELTE FI to help understanding large legacy software systems. Its web user interface provides rich textual search and navigation functionalities and also a wide range of rule-based visualization features. To provide these features, static analysis of the source code is used, but further information is also gathered, e.g. analysing the build system and the version control history of the project.
CodeCompass currently supports C/C++ project, while C#, Java and Python language support is being introduced and beta tested.
Used technologies: Static analysis, C/C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript languages.
Who are we searching for?: BSc and MSc students. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development. For BSc students it is required that they have completed the Software Technology course in their training. and has good knowledge in one or more technologies we use.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 5-10 hours / week. (For MSc students taking the Software Technology Lab course for credits, it is min 8 hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at, Anett Fekete: afekete at, Zoltán Porkoláb: gsd at

6. Open source AI and data science framework development
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Much of the current AI revolution is carried by open source technologies.
This project gives students the opportunity to learn basic contribution patterns and software engineering for open source framework libraries in python, such as sklearn, sktime, huggingface.
The scope depends on the accreditation purpose (e.g., thesis, summer project), but usually combines a mentoring period with actual contributions to a high-profile open source project in the AI and data science space, and potentially a small project fitting the scope and requirements of the accreditation purpose.
The IAI DS&E department works closely with sktime and its mentoring programme (separate registration not required if project is via ELTE), and students can also suggest their own open source projects – or even start developing their own, if very experienced already.
Depending on the project, there may also be opportunities for combining open source contributions and industry collaboration, this is an option after the initial mentoring phase.
Used technologies: python, GitHub, data science and AI packages
Who are we searching for?: students interested in learning about open source software development for AI and/or open source development in an industry application context expected background:
– basic knowledge of python programming, software development
– preferably also introductory knowledge of data science, AI
How much time a student needs to contribute: This depends on the project definition and accreditation scope. For continuous mentoring, a weekly time investment of 4-8 hours is expected. A thesis accreditable project usually requires full time investment.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Franz Király: franzkiraly at, sktime discord:

7. Computer graphics and computational geometry laboratory
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: This laboratory encompasses topics from computer graphics, geometric modeling, and computational geometry, such as:
– Implicit surface visualization techniques
– Sphere tracing algorithms
– Interactive geometric algorithms
-Voronoi regions of polygons
-Local operations on implicit surface models
-Conversions between signed distance fields, implicit surfaces, and boundary representations
– Geometric approximations of curves and surfaces
Used technologies: C++ or Matlab
Who are we searching for?:
– Master students
– Interested bachelor students in their final year
How much time a student needs to contribute: 8 hours/week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Csaba Bálint: csabix at

8. Task Management System (TMS)
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The aim of the project is the development of the Task Management System (TMS), an open source web-based assignment and examination management system for universities, primarily focused on programming and computer science related courses. The main features of the application are the integrated evaluation, automatized testing, version control and plagiarism check of the student submissions. TMS also integrates with the Canvas LMS.
Used technologies:
Backend: REST, MVC, ORM, PHP, Yii, Docker
Frontend: TypeScript, React
Who are we searching for?: Students who already completed the Software Technology course in their BSc training and have knowledge, experience (or at least interest) in web technologies and the mentioned programming languages.
MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development.
How much time a student needs to contribute: Min. 4 hours / week. (For MSc students completing the Software Technology Lab course min 8. hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact: Máté Cserép: mcserep at

9. Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: The Geoinformatics Laboratory is a research and software development lab at the Faculty of Informatics, hosting multiple geospatial and remote sensing projects. Current topics in the laboratory are ranging from multispectral aerial and satellite imagery processing, through object recognition, change detection and segmentation of 3D LiDAR point clouds to LiDAR – raster camera calibration algorithms development.
Ongoing research projects include:
– Plastic waste detection on and nearby rivers based on satellite imagery
– Dynamic spatial positioning and assembling of LiDAR point clouds
– Surface classification and change detection based on airborne LiDAR data
– Algorithm development and implementation for computer vision and graphics applications
Used technologies:
Satellite imagery, ortophotos, digital elevation models, LiDAR, point clouds
Libraries: PCL, PDAL, GDAL, OpenCV, etc.
Who are we searching for? MSc or PhD students with programming competence mainly in C++ and/or C#. Specialized knowledge on remote sensing technologies and algorithms are not mandatory beforehand, but completing the relevant courses in the MSc programme is a benefit. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 8-10 hours / week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at, Tekla Tóth: teklatoth at

10. CodeChecker
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: CodeChecker is one of the projects we work on in the Static Analysis Laboratory, aiming to find security vulnerabilities in C/C++ code by using static analysis. By joining the project, your task will be to implement (one or more) detectors to locate such issues in C/C++ source code automatically. Your contributions will be made to the open-source Clang Tidy or Clang Static Analyzer tools. CodeChecker itself is an infrastructure which drives static analyzer tools, manages their reports, visualize them on a web interface and aids the CI integration.
Used technologies: Python, TypeScript, Vue, C/C++, Java
Who are we searching for? BSc and MSc students. MSc students can also register for the Software Technology Lab course and gain credits for participating in the research and development. For BSc students it is required that they have completed the Software Technology course in their training.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 4-8 hours / week. (For MSc students taking the Software Technology Lab course for credits, it is 8 hours / week.)
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Máté Cserép: mcserep at, Zoltán Porkoláb: gsd at

Projektek, melyek a Fórumon személyesen nem képviseltettek, így a videófelvételen sem szerepelnek:

11. AI in education
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: AI foundation models
Who are we searching for? Research and development of applications/environments for the benefit of Education
How much time a student needs to contribute: Within the framework of course Software technology lab (Lab1/Lab2) or Internship that could lead to master thesis
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact :

12. Model-driven Machine Learning with Applications
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Goals/topics: In the field of Explainable AI, Model-driven Machine Learning is an emerging paradigm that combines the advantages of data-driven deep learning methods and model-based signal processing approaches. We have several ongoing projects that utilize this concept:
– Biomedical signal processing: heartbeat classification in ECG signals, epileptic seizure detection in EEGs
– Digital signal processing: road surface classification by wheel sensor data, encoding/decoding signals in telecommunication,
– Thomographic imaging: nondestructive testing by thermal imaging, artifact reduction in CT images
– Developing model-driven machine learning algorithms
Used technologies: Python, Pytorch, Matlab
Who are we searching for? 3rd year BSc and MSc students interested in Mathematical Modeling, Signal and Image Processing, and Artificial Intelligence are welcome.
How much time a student needs to contribute: 10 hours / week
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: Yes.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Dr. Peter Kovacs: kovika at

13. Precision livestock farming, digitalization in agrifood systems
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: computer vision, mashine learning, artificial intelligence
Who are we searching for? Hungarian and foreign BSc and MSc students who are curious of applied data science and would like to use his/her knowledge in innovation of agrifood. Challenges and difficulties can not be barriers! If you like to learn agrifood usecases and know our pilot projects, work with us!
How much time a student needs to contribute: Depends on…
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: Yes.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: Yes.
Contact : Marta Alexy: abalord02 at

14. ELTE-OTP CyberSec Lab
Goals, Topics, Used Technologies: Kriptográfia, Mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos kutatások, Pénzügyi informatikai technológiák
Who are we searching for? MSc hallgatók vehetik fel Szoftvertechnológia I-II-III-IV tárgy keretén belül a labort. Várunk mindenkit, aki érdekes témát talál, és érdeklődik a pénzügyi informatika, vagy az informatikai biztonság témájában.
How much time a student needs to contribute: Heti 6 óra a munkaértéke a tárgyért kapott kreditnek.
Is it open for students of the Campus of Szombathely?: No.
Is the project also open to IK students from higher education vocational training?: No.
Is the project also open to foreigner student of IK?: No.
Contact : Korpa Bence: jdjkch at, Kovács Attila: attila at

Projekt Fórum 2023 – felvétel és projektadatok